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Our FAQs

Contacting Eckersley Medical Centre

Our preferred method of communication is via telephone.  The practice does not take requests for appointments or script requests by email. Our doctors do not communicate with patients via email. Test results require an appointment with your doctor.

For further information, please ask reception for a copy of our detailed ‘Patient Information’ brochure or ask our friendly receptionists for clarification.

Your Privacy and Personal Information

Eckersley Medical Centre is fully compliant with Australian privacy laws and the RACGP standards for management of your personal and health information.

For further information, please ask reception for a copy of our detailed ‘Keeping Your Information Private’ brochure or ask our friendly receptionists for clarification

Billing Policy

Eckersley Medical Centre is a private billing practice.  Payment is required on the day of consultation.  We are unable to accept cash payments.

As fees are subject to change, so please ask our friendly receptionist for clarification at the time of making your appointment.


Your feedback is important to us. Please feel free to talk to the Practice Manager or the reception staff. You may prefer to write to us or use the suggestion box. We take your concerns, suggestions and complaints seriously.